Beneath the Image

One of our specialties is co-creating artwork that is more than an attractive image. On this project, Dottie Moore, textile artist worked closely with us to come up with a symbolic design that would inspire and support people coming to this behavioral health outpatient facility, many of them daily. We had input from administrators and staff about what could be included in the work, including a path, a focal tree with 12 main branches, a hopeful sky, a soothing stream, and an inspired and comforting color palette. 

Dottie invited others to participate in her quilt making, and sent 75 pieces of cloth that were distributed to patients and staff. The only instruction was to create a message that would provide comfort, confidence, or strength to others or themselves. We received messages that were written in multiple languages, sketches, and even embroidered images of animals.  

Out of respect for privacy and HIPA, all of the pieces were stitched into the interior of  the textile which expanded over 12'. Once a messy area in the main lobby, now people are greeted with the hopeful work, often stopping to examine the details. Some even recognize that there is hidden symbolism and messages beneath the image.